Thursday, April 24, 2014

Gender 'equality' and Female/Male competitions

'You can't hit me, I'm a woman!' is a very famous sentence used by some feminist. The feminists who are fighting for 'equal rights' are being hypocritical here. What is the point of having equal rights when we are, mentally and physically, not the same? We can never have the same rights.

We have standard laws that apply to everybody. You have no permission to steal, no permission to commit a murder, you have freedom of speech, freedom of religion, etc. Those are needed to keep a healthy environment. Men and women are technically equal, but you still can't deny the fact that both genders are treated differently. The reason why is simple: We are not the same.

Life is a competition. At school you try to get the highest marks for your tests and your goal is to be the best student of your school. At work you try to be the employee who works the hardest and achieves the most. In sports athletes compete with each other to win prizes and to be the best. In the sport world we have separated competitions for men and women. Why do we have these separated competitions? Shouldn't we have a mixed competition with men and women? Isn't that gender equality? No. Women are physically weaker than men. That's why the level in the competitions for men is way higher than for the competitions for women. Let me give you an example: The 100 meter sprint. The world record holder is Usain Bolt (9,52 s). The female record holder is Florence Griffith-Joyner (10,49 s). A lot of male sprinters are able to break the female sprinting record.
Let's now look at the Olympics. A man runs the 100 m in 10 seconds and gets placed 5-6th. A woman runs the 100 m in 10 seconds and she wins a gold medal. The man achieves the same, but doesn't get the same praise.

Shouldn't we put the both genders in one mixed competition then? Isn't this what gender equality really is? If we have mixed competitions I can guarantee you that at least 90% of the medals will go to male athletes. Female athletes will get demotivated due to them being physically weaker. They need to put 2 times the work to get the same result.

'We can never have the same rights'. - Me

I quoted myself. We should understand that men and women can never be treated equally. You should never be discriminated because of your gender, but just because we are all human doesn't mean we all have the same treatment. Sometimes not having a gender equality is in favor of men and sometimes for women. Diversity is enrichment, see the beauty in our differences.

What do you think about this topic? Please share your thoughts with me.

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